• Retail POS Software
• Online Payment Integration
• Online Sales Reporting
• Mobile Add-on
• Barcode Scanner Support
• Retail Printer Support
• SyncPay for QuickBooks Integration
• e-Invoice Manager Integration
• Multi-Lingual Support
• Multi-Currency Support
• Supports EMV Encrypted Card Reader
• Inventory Management
Chromis POS
- Free Retail POS Software
Chromis POS is a bridge of the uniCenta open source project. Chromis POS supports Retail Stores, Cafes, Bars, Restaurants, Hospitality and any other venue where you have a
need to accept credit cards. From an Amusement Park to Zoo Gift Shop. Hook-up Chromis POS to a Barcode Scanner (Weighing Scales supported too) and you’re good to go. Run stand-alone through to a multi-terminal, multi-warehouse, multi-location installation. Oh, nearly forgot… it’s multi-lingual too. Add the Planetauthorize payment gateway for payment processing and you also have multi-currency features.
• Download Chromis POS - In Use All Around the World
- With over 500,000 recorded downloads (uniCenta & Chromis) Chromis POS is a favourite for a wide-range of businesses not only because it’s free to download free to use and free to own, and available in 15 languages, but because of its ease of use and exceptional flexibility.
- Up & Running in Minutes
- Chromis oPOS comes with it’s own built-in database or you can hook into one of the popular commercial-grade open source databases it’s compatible with. Industry standard POS hardware and protocols from the likes of Epson, Citizen and Scanpal come as standard.
- Seamless integration with Planetauthorize
Chromis POS is proven to be a reliable alternative to expensive POS software. Merchants can save time and money by deploying Chromis oPOS with the Planetauthorize.Net payment gateway. Reduce costs and improve productivity using the Chromis POS & Planetauthorize Payment Gateway bundle.
Chromis POS is available as a FREE software download and works with your existing hardware. - Take Chromis POS for a Test Drive
• Download Chromis POS
Test transactions can be submitted with the following information:
Visa: 4111111111111111
MasterCard: 5431111111111111
Discover Card: 6011601160116611
American Express: 341111111111111
Credit Card Expiration: 10/20 (or any future date)
account (ACH): 123123123
routing (ACH): 123123123
Amount > 1.00
Payment Gateway: Planetauthorize
Username: unicenta
Password: unicenta01 - To Get Started
To get started simply complete and return our Merchant Account (US Merchant, Canadian Merchant, UK Merchants, EU Merchant, International Merchant, High Risk Merchant) application. If you already have a merchant account simply complete and return our Payment Gateway Setup form. For more information Contact Us.